Kevin Amundson is a Minnesota-based journalist, content creator, and theological educator with a passion for using media and technology to encourage and equip fellow Christians and advance Christ's kingdom. Kevin and his wife Emily live in Zumbrota, Minnesota and co-own and operate Terra Nova Productions, a wedding and event videography business. In addition to his media endeavors, Amundson labors as an Elder at Redemption City Church, in Rochester MN and heads up the Redemption School of Theology, a free educational initiative focused on theological training and practical instruction for Christians of all ages. He is also currently serving on the city council of his home town, Zumbrota, MN.
Kevin Amundson
Leave a TipBill Peacock has spent most of his career fighting for liberty through his reporting, research, and writing on faith, public policy, and culture. He has written or edited more than 2,000 research papers and published hundreds of news articles and commentaries on state, local, and federal issues. Bill lives in the Texas Hill Country with his wife and son where they attend a reformed church.
Bill Peacock
Leave a TipJustin is a husband and father living in the Spokane area for over 15 years. He began his journalistic career in the sports page of a local newspaper, writing for high school and collegiate athletics. Seeing the ongoing collapse of his community and state, his passion for thorough investigation and writing saturated with integrity has led him away from the arena of sports to delving into state and local issues that impact his fellow Washingtonians. Christ is Lord in Washington state, and we need prophetic voices to remind its citizens of this truth. Areas of Focus: Washington State Politics - Cultural Engagement, Abortion Abolition, the local church, the occasional sports story of larger interest
Justin Chartrey
Leave a TipWes is a husband, father, writer, filmmaker, and Missouri native. He lived in the Los Angeles area for 7 years working in film production as well as education before marrying Stephanie and returning home to Missouri to start a family. Wes has written for EpochTV and Crossroads with Joshua Phillip, was a co-editor on the documentary film "Vaxxed III: Authorized to Kill," and has worked for both Disney and PBS. He writes with a focus on Missouri events, entertainment news, and education.
Wes Walker
Leave a TipLuke Edison is an author, speaker, and veteran. He is a policy analyst who has advised at a state and national level, is a business owner, and has worked on multiple national and local political campaigns. He is an alumnus of Grove City College and his professional studies are in Business, Political Science, National Security, Communications, and Applied science.
Luke Edison
Leave a TipPhilip Kulishov is a co-founder and board member of EBM, Inc., and hosts the Business 300 podcast. At EBM, Philip leads efforts in manufacturing, leadership development, managerial training, and fostering company culture – playing a key role in growing companies. Outside of EBM, Philip serves as an elder at Trinity Evangel Church in Marysville, WA, and is a founding board member of Comeford College. Passionate about community building, he lives in Marysville, WA with his wife and three children.
Philip Kulishov
Leave a TipBethany Miller is a fellow at Concerned Women for America. A South Asian American journalist, her reporting delivers classy conservative commentary on the conversations of our time. You can find her on X @bethanyymmiller. Areas of focus are Theology, politics, and culture.
Bethany Miller
Leave a TipJacob Tanner is the pastor of Christ Keystone Church, Principal and Administrator of Juniata Christian School, and author of several books, including Wait and Hope: Puritan Wisdom for Joyful Suffering, and Resist Tyrants, Obey God: Lessons Learned from the Life and Times of John Knox. He lives in PA with his wife and boys.
Jacob Tanner
Leave a TipJonathan Kelly is a journalist for CrossPolitic News specializing in cultural analysis and public discourse from a biblical worldview. He holds an M.B.A. in Marketing and a B.A. in English and Literature from Cumberland University.
Jonathan Kelly
Leave a TipGabriel Rench was born in the Promised Land of Texas. Six states later, he ended up in Moscow, Idaho, where he graduated from the University of Idaho. He has also attended Greyfriars Hall, the pastoral training program at Christ Church. Gabriel is a media and PR consultant (, Co-Founder of the Fight Laugh Feast Network, and one of the host of CrossPolitic TV Show and Podcast (Airs on Direct Tv, streaming, and podcast), the cofounder of, a free speech podcast hosting platform, and the founder of BusinessMakers.Network. He is married to Annie, together they have three growing children, and live on a 10 acre boutique ranch, surrounded by Palouse hills in the Chimney of Idaho.
Gabe Rench
Leave a TipB.F. Westen moved from Oklahoma to China at nineteen, where he taught himself Mandarin using the Bible, a dictionary, stacks of maps, and loads of conversations all across the nation. He was unceremoniously deported from his adopted home in 2018, but has continued living abroad (Peru, Malaysia) and laboring for China by mobilizing new workers, writing and publishing, and podcasting (China Compass). Details of all these endeavors can be found at
BF Westen
Leave a TipAndrew Southwick is a broadcaster, author, pastor, filmmaker, and musician. He is the hostof the weekly Christian news/talk show, Culture Crossroads, and the author of More ThanReconciliation: Coming to the Table of Grace, and the children’s book, Timmy’s SpecialSong. You can find more of Andrew’s work at
Andrew Southwick
Leave a TipEsther is a digital journalist, ESL teacher, and advocate. She has a B.A. in History from Malone University where she produced written and video content for classes, the student-run paper, the University Relations department and the Office of Multicultural Services. I’ve also been published by Calla Press Publishing, Tirzah Magazine and Koinesune Magazine. Please show your support by subscribing to my page and following me on Facebook, Instagram, and X. You can also follow my blog Pages Under Grace.
Esther Elliott
Leave a TipDavid Fowler graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1983 and, upon graduation, clerked for Judge Harry J. Klusmeier, First District Court of Appeal, State of Ohio. He practiced law in Cincinnati, Ohio until 1990 and in Chattanooga, Tennessee until 2006. In 1994, he was elected to the Tennessee State Senate and served until he retired in 2006. Upon retirement, he joined other Tennesseans to form The Family Action Council of Tennessee, serving as president until his retirement at the end of 2024. David has written several books and monographs on the application of Bible principles to law and civil government, and has authored friend-of-the court briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court on behalf of various policy organizations.
David Fowler
Leave a TipJustin Cochran is an accomplished technology professional having worked 10+ years in Silicon Valley for companies such as Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and others. He studied political science and government in college and was an active member of Reality church in San Francisco for many years. He and his wife Leah now live in Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Justin Cochran
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