Feb 14

Gen Z Christians On The Rise: Interview With Noelle Fitchett

author :
Esther Elliott
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Generation Z Christian and conservative voices are on the rise with content creators Brett Cooper, Amala Ekpunobi, Misha Petrov, and Richard Ackerson ( Redeemed Zoomer).

Noelle Fitchett is a content creator residing in Los Angeles, California. She’s a California State University and Texas A&M University graduate with Bachelor’s degrees in Biochemistry and Philosophy and a Master’s in Economics.

She started a podcast called Tethered To Eternity to help Gen Z Christians develop a biblical worldview.

“After my involvement in politics for about three years (since 2021), I’d realized the importance of politics and policy especially regarding faith but it has to be rooted in eternity.” She said, “ For people my age, Gen Z or even millennials I want my podcast to be a place where that can hear about trending topics from the perspective of heaven.”

Fitchett’s newfound interest in politics began in 2021 while in college.

“Back in high school I liked science and wanted to be a doctor. When 2020, hit I heard information from both progressives and conservatives and had to make a decision on whether to follow one or the other. I dug deeper and read books by Coleman Hughs and Thomas Sowell and asked what the Bible says about these things.” She said.

“As a sophomore in college, I interned with Concerned Women For America, the largest public policy women’s organization and I interned with Congress for two summers.” She said, “I also worked with Blexit, PragerU and Turning Point USA.” She said.

As for many young conservatives, Fitchett’s views brought controversy among her peers.

“When I started sharing my political views online, I got doxxed by people from my high school. My address and phone number went viral.” She said, “My high school was 99% Mexican and was called all kinds of names. Being a Mexican-American I got backlash mostly from people who looked like me.”

Throughout her political journey Fitchett’s faith has always informed her views. As a Conservative Christian, she realized that several Progressive Christians fit the Bible into their social justice narratives.

“In 2020 I decided to learn more about what was going on regarding social justice and protesting.” She said. “I’ve heard many progressive Christians saying ‘Jesus flipped tables, so we can riot.’ I met my friend Samuel Sey after hearing him talk about these issues and I wanted to learn more. “

Throughout her journey she learned that the truth is what matters and she should base her political views on the Bible and not people’s opinions. Instead of ignoring politics, young conservative Christians should speak up.

“A friend once told me that people are impossible to please, but God is easy to please. I hated being misunderstood, but then realized there is so much freedom in fearing the Lord and when we do, we don’t have to worry about what people think.” She said.

To learn more, go to Noelle’s website: noellefitchett.com.

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